Monthly Archives: July 2016 and integration with ESP8266 based module

Here is an example of integration of one of our 4 input analog and 4 input digital module with and The live data can be seen at

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16 analog inputs and 2 digital inputs WiFi module based on ESP8266

I just finished testing the first prototype of the 16 analog input and 2 digital input WIFI module. The data is encoded in JSON: {“macAddress”:”5c:cf:7f:87:58:0c”,”channelvalues”:[{“value”:123,”channel”:0},{“value”:234,”channel”:1},{“value”:486,”channel”:2},{“value”:328,”channel”:3},{“value”:214,”channel”:4},{“value”:845,”channel”:5},{“value”:967,”channel”:6},{“value”:253,”channel”:7},{“value”:665,”slotid”:8},{“value”:147″channel”:9},{“value”:166″channel”:10},{“value”:234,”channel”:11},{“value”:604,”channel”:12},{“value”:654,”channel”:13},{“value”:342,”channel”:14},{“value”:732,”channel”:15}],”channels”:16,”IP”:”″} HTTP/1.1 The module sends the data regularly at ‘heartbeat’ intervals and it is configurable (SSID, … Continue reading

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